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Diga estimates

The estimate is the main document on which construction firms and service customers rely. The estimate displays calculations for the amount of work and the amount of required materials: during construction - a list of the amount of work, during repair - a list of defects.

A correctly drawn up construction estimate will allow you to estimate the costs in a complex way - or separately, for each type of work. The estimate is provided to the customer as a calculation-justification of the construction cost, at each stage of intermediate calculations.

Estimates allow customers to meet construction or major renovation financing schedules and plan costs. The estimate and planning module allows you to see an accurate picture of all processes, control the stages of construction and the timing of work.
Tasks of Diga CRM estimates
A correctly drawn up and completed estimate solves 3 critical issues between the contractor and the customer:
Full calculation of the construction cost:


 or the prices of individual works. 

An estimate is an important document that allows the customer of services not to overpay, and the contractor to receive a decent payment. 

The correct estimate takes into account the wishes of the customer and the contractor, that is, it allows reaching a consensus on monetary issues.

Drawing up a schedule.

The timing of construction or repair work is no less important than their cost. Completed object on time is a guarantee of receiving premiums and rewards in full. 

Ready-made estimate templates provide all the information you need to prepare a schedule.

Scheduling the delivery of building materials.

Based on the data of the estimate and the schedule, another important document is drawn up for the non-stop work of the contractor - the schedule for the supply of materials.

It is not advisable to purchase the entire facility at once - this freezes the finances that can be spent on other current tasks, and at the same time the need for storing materials becomes urgent.

Thus, budgeting makes it possible to calculate costs and control the progress of work.
Accumulate a database of materials for convenient calculations of the cost of work. Download supporting documents for materials, which will be automatically attached to the estimate.
Components of the work
The cost of work is determined based on the components:

1. Data on the status of work/services and their sources;

2. Time of determining the status (the interval between the receipt of the counterparty in CRM until the moment of determining the status);

3. Estimated time for preparation of CO/estimates;

4. Average cost of sent CO/estimates.

Composite Job Database
Instantly add any work/service from the database of ready-made templates
Control audit of estimates
Has the type of material changed or additional work has been added? Check estimate documents in just one click.
Please upload documents for verification. This process is part of a European requirement to prevent money laundering.

In the category "Portfolio of documents", you can upload standards, specifications, presentations, lists of materials and other important documents.

For each article of the estimate, you can specify a hidden% markup or set up a discount. The agreed estimates will resolve any disagreements and disputes with the customer.

With the "Estimates" module, the estimator only needs to load the ready-made template, adjust the terms, markups, etc. if necessary.

In the "Other information" tab: it is possible to calculate the cost of work, including taxes and VAT data.

After preparing the document, the estimate can be downloaded in PDF format and sent to the client.

The Analytics module will automatically display the scope of work, as well as their cost.

Control the workload of personnel, financial flows and other important business processes with the help of the Diga estimate module.
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